Promoting business expansion to/from Japan

Small business specialized supporter

Overseas ➡︎ Japan

Consulting for foreign companies entering the Japanese market
Provides highly responsive support by utilizing its strength as a small business specialist

  • Services
  • Search for import, sales and licensing partners
  • Bridge to Japanese companies and specialists according to requirements
  • Initial research (market research, partner research, competitive research, support for incorporation)

  1. Areas covered
  • Biotech
  • Medical devices
  • Diagnostics and devices
  • Digital therapeutics
  • Solution services
  • Cosmetics

  • Advantages
  • Numerous business partner links in Japan, enabling introductions to Japanese companies and specialists as required, depending on requirements
  • Specialised strength in small business, providing flexible support

Japan ➡︎ Overseas

  • Services
  • Incubation introductions (life sciences only)
  • Search for export partners, sales and licensing partners
  • Bridge to overseas companies and specialists according to requirements
  • Initial research (market research, partner research, competitive research, support for incorporation)

  1. Areas covered
  • Medical devices
  • Diagnostics and devices
  • Digital therapeutics
  • Solution services
  • Cosmetics
  • Japanese clafts

  • Avantages
  • Offers business benefits for small businesses in partnership with European incubation
    • R&D base can be established in Europe at a reduced cost and enjoy tax benefits
    • Improved access to academia, consortia, etc. by having a base in Europe
    • Improved networking opportunities with licensing partners from a base in Europe with no time difference to European and US companies
  • Numerous business partner connections in Europe and the US, enabling introductions to companies and specialists as required according to requirements
  • Small business specialist strengths, providing flexible support

Oversea partners

Develop IN Europe

  • Expansion into Europe, the US and Asia-Pacific
  • Support for initial research and activities for business expansion abroad
    • Market research
    • Partner research
    • Competitor research
    • Incorporation support

POM Limburg

  • Life sciences and healthcare
  • R&D incubation centre
  • Belgium as a hub to support expansion into Europe with R&D
  • Having an R&D base in Belgium improves access to European and US companies, academia, consortia, etc.


  • High-end tableware shop in London
  • Export of Japanese crafts to the UK
  • Bonadea's customers are across Europe, the US and the Middle East
  • Supporting the expansion of Edo Kiriko into Europe


Other networks with various specialists are available